Federal Policy
Permitting: The current permitting procedures for renewable installations can be overly complex and time-consuming. Streamlining and standardizing the permitting process at the federal level can significantly reduce the delays and costs of renewable energy projects.
Siting: Federally led incentives and coordination efforts can minimize potential land and water bottoms use conflicts.
Transmission: GSREIA supports transmission buildouts that are crucial for delivering renewable generated electricity to consumers. Future grid reliability necessitates further transmission buildouts to reduce congestion and related costs. Congestion and reliability have worsened due to extreme weather, increasing electricity demand, and a changing grid mix. In 2022, congestion costs doubled the 2021 five-year average and tripled the five-year averages from 2016 to 2019.
Public Lands & Water Access: Public lands and waters offer vast opportunities for renewable energy. Ensuring access to public lands and waters for these projects is vital to expanding the reach and capacity of renewable energy.